Meet Pastor Powderley and His Wife
Gods plan for Brittany and Jim Powderley began in the summer of 2012. Both attended public school and met on a blind date. Brittany grew up at Ocean County Baptist Church and was saved at a young age. Jim grew up in the Catholic Church and was unsaved at the time.
Shortly after meeting each other, Brittany went off to Pensacola Christian College to pursue a degree in Elementary Education. Jim pursued training for Law Enforcement. They maintained a healthy long distance relationship. During Jim’s first visit to Pensacola Christian College, he felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit through the testimony of the Christian environment, the preaching of the Gospel and a Bible that Brittany gave him. Jim accepted Christ in the Pensacola Municipal Airport while awaiting his flight back home with nothing but a Bible and a Gospel Tract. He testifies that his life has never been the same since that morning of October 8th, 2012.
Through the years of Britt enduring Bible College, Jim had the unique opportunity to visit several times a year. It was there that Jim and Britt received instruction, resources, a developed thirst for spiritual growth and Godly friendships. Brittany felt called to be a leader in education one day and Jim testifies that he was called to be a preacher and developed a heart for Evangelism. They developed their call while serving in the college setting and back home in the Local Church ministries at Ocean County Baptist Church. It was during this time that Jim was also hired full time as a Patrolman with the Brigantine Police Department.
In the spring of 2017, Britt graduated Pensacola Christian College with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. She came home to begin teaching 3rd grade at Ocean County Christian Academy. Britt and Jim got married on June 3rd, 2017 and began construction of their home on farm land they purchased. Together they served in local church ministry at Ocean County Baptist Church and Ocean County Christian Academy. It was there that the two of them grew in their desire to serve together through starting a bus route, teaching Awana classes, running junior church and various other ministries.
In the summer of 2019, Britt and Jim had a burden to serve together in Brigantine where Jim was a Police Officer. Together they sought to reach the young generation through the Brigantine Bible Church. They worked alongside Pastor Bill Davis and others members of the Brigantine Bible Church. Together Britt and Jim testified they felt the presence and peace of God overshadowing their ministry there.
In the fall of 2020, Pastor Bill announced his intentions of retirement in 2021. The Lord directed Church leadership, the deacons and Pastor Bill to formally ask Jim and Britt to assume leadership as the next Pastoral couple of Brigantine Bible Church. The calling to serve at Brigantine Bible was confirmed through a month of prayer, signs of confirmation, evaluation and recommendation from the deacon board. A church vote was taken up on January 10th, 2021 and the couple was voted to be the next pastoral couple. From there the transition into leadership began with the outgoing pastor, Bill Davis.
Jim is currently enrolled at West Coast Baptist College and is taking online classes towards a Pastoral Degree. Brittany is furthering her education towards a postgraduate degree online through Pensacola Christian College.